Tomorrow may officially be the first day of winter but here in Chicago we've already had plenty of snow and icy temperatures so far this season. Last weekend we were hit with a particularly gnarly snow storm. While the drifts piled up outside our windows, we holed up at home in our pajamas and drank loads of hot cocoa. Then when the worst of it was over, we bundled up and headed out doors to frolic in the fresh powder, throw around some snowballs, and make snow angels. After all...'tis the season!
*Side Note: very nearly called this post "#twinning" (and we must admit we tossed around the idea of "2 Girls 1 Parka")! You probably noticed that Claire and I are wearing the exact same winter parka. Its an amazing and hilarious thing that happens between dear friends when you spend enough time together, inevitably at some point you will show up in the same place at the same time wearing matching attire in one form or the other. Has this ever happened to you? And besides, this coat is too good not to share!

On Claire / parka: Topshop (from last season. similar style here) / gloves: vintage Isotoner / denim: BDG / boots: thrifted
On Lauren / beanie: H&M / parka: Topshop (from last season. similar style here) / mittens: Army Navy Surplus / denim: BDG / boots: Minnetonka (similar style here)
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