I'm hopping a plane to Caifornia next week for some much needed R&R. While I've been to the Bay Area a few times before, this will be my first time in Southern California. We're spending a couple of days in LA visiting with friends before we road trip out to Palm Springs + Joshua Tree to do nothing but relax and soak up our surroundings. OMG, am I so excited!! I've never been to desert before (unless you count Las Vegas and I certainly don't) and I'm anticipating it to be such an incredibly inspiring experience. Living in the midwest, I too often take for granted all the mind blowing terrain in this country that lives just a short plane ride away.
So here's the part where you give me all your recommendations for everything cool to see, do, shop, eat, and drink in and around Los Angeles, Palm Springs, and Joshua Tree. Let's hear it! See you next week when I get back.
Xx. Lauren
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