Eat: Blue Moon Cupcakes // Wear: Madewell high riser alley straight jeans // Make: Blue Dip Dye Shirt Admire: Tapestry Weaving
Lately, we've been drawn to all things indigo and azure. Surrounded by the seemingly endless bright August skies and the murky and lovely waters of Lake Michigan, we're feeling inspired by the summertime blues.
In other news, August!? We can't believe it's here already. This summer is absolutely flying by and we're holding on for dear life!
In other news, August!? We can't believe it's here already. This summer is absolutely flying by and we're holding on for dear life!
Follow us on Pinterest and check out what else we're diggin' lately.
I definitely want a cupcake now.
Right Elizabeth? Ever since we found that recipe, our mouths have been watering!